How to Achieve Product-Market Fit (5 Steps)
Startups experience a never-ending stream of problems and challenges. Survival in such a scenario is an art of choosing between what to focus on, put on hold, or simply ignore. But that is never easy: differences in opinions, time and money running out, and the false notion that a truly great business idea should sky-rocket immediately are common issues that startups will face. Product-market fit is a concept that aims to solve various startup problems by aspiring to be “the only thing that matters.” Focusing on this concept should put any startup on the right track, no matter the circumstances. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at this widely discussed concept. Here’s what we’ll address: What is product-market fit? Product-market fit (PMF) is when a business has confirmed signals that its product can satisfy an existing demand in a market with high potential. The usual sign of achieving PMF is when people are willing to b...